• 28 Tweed Road, Harare, Zimbabwe


Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

Morbi turpis nisl, auctor ut nisl vel, pellentesque euismod nunc nunc accumsan imperdiet.

  • Client

    Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

  • Location

    Harare, VA

  • Size

    24.3KW Solar PV System

  • Year Completed


  • Categories



A hybrid solar PV system installed at the FAO office building to cater for the essential loads which include office and corridor lights, security lights, computers, and the server room. The 25kWp solar panels that produce an average of 123.4kWh of energy per day are mounted on a gigantic dip galvanized steel structure that is 6m high on the shorter side of the structure. The structure size was necessitated by the need to avoid the shading of the building. Two Infinisolar 3 Phase Hybrid inverters are connected in parallel and are programmed and wired to the buildings Power Distribution Board such that the solar PV Power provides electricity to the building as the primary power source. A standby generator will kick in to provide power to the loads only when the PV power is insufficient and grid power is unavailable. The solar PV system is Phase One of the two Phases that will see Phase 2 powering all the loads of the building except for kitchen heavy loads.